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Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Share Price Today


Berkshire Hathaway (class A) share price is $744707.5 & ₹6,49,44,079.31 as on 12 Mar 2025, 2.30 'hrs' IST




Market is closed - opens 7 PM, 12 Mar 2025

View live Berkshire Hathaway (class A) share price in Dollar and Rupees. Guide to invest in Berkshire Hathaway (class A) stock from India, including Indian investor sentiment. Get details on Indian mutual funds investing in Berkshire Hathaway (class A), along with analyst recommendations, forecasts, and comprehensive financials.

Berkshire Hathaway (class A) share price movements

  • Today's Low: $7,37,350.00
    Today's High: $7,48,402.00

    Day's Volatility :1.48%

  • 52 Weeks Low: $5,96,000.00
    52 Weeks High: $7,77,749.00

    52 Weeks Volatility :23.37%

Berkshire Hathaway (class A) (BRK.A) Returns

PeriodBerkshire Hathaway Inc. (class A)Index (Russel 2000)
3 Months
6 Months
1 Year
3 Years

Returns in Berkshire Hathaway (class A) (BRK.A) for Indian investors in Rupees

The Berkshire Hathaway (class A) stock calculator helps Indian investors calculate returns based on the historical performance of the stock. Just choose your investment amount and duration to get insights and invest more confidently. See stock returns as well as the effect of dollar appreciation over different durations.

Investment Value


  • 1Y

  • 3Y

  • 5Y

  • 7Y

  • 10Y

Berkshire Hathaway (class A) investment value today

Current value as on today





Returns from Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Stock

₹22,141 (+22.14%)

Dollar Returns

₹5,402 (+5.4%)

Indian investors sentiment towards Berkshire Hathaway (class A) (BRK.A)


Period: Feb 9, 2025 to Mar 11, 2025. Change in 30 Days versus previous period

Search interest for Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Stock from India on INDmoney has decreased by -6% in the last 30 days, reflecting a downward trend in search activity.

Why are Indians interested in investing in Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Stock (BRK.A) from India?

Warren Buffett, widely regarded as the greatest investor of all time, has transformed Berkshire Hathaway into one of the world’s most successful conglomerates, becoming the first non-tech U.S. firm to reach a $1 trillion market value. This milestone not only showcased the company’s strength but also solidified Buffett’s position as one of the wealthiest individuals globally, with a net worth surpassing $100 billion.

Berkshire’s $297 billion portfolio includes 44 stocks, featuring giants like Apple, Coca-Cola, American Express, and Amazon, generating around $5 billion annually in dividends. The company also dominates the U.S. insurance market with businesses like GEICO and Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group, holding $811 billion in assets and ranking as the largest insurer in 2024.

In Q3, Berkshire reported earnings of $26.3 billion, with insurance driving 30% of profits, followed by manufacturing, services, and retail at 29%. It also owns Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), one of North America’s largest railroads.

Berkshire’s ventures in India, including Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Orenda India and, highlight Buffett’s interest in the market's potential. With its diversified portfolio, robust financials, and Buffett’s proven strategies, Berkshire Hathaway offers Indian investors a chance to emulate his legendary approach.

Analyst Recommendation on Berkshire Hathaway (class A)





Based on 10 Wall street analysts offering stock ratings for Berkshire Hathaway (class A)(by analysts ranked 0 to 5 stars)

Based on 10 analyst
  • Current
  • 1M Ago
  • 3M Ago

Insights on Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Stock (Ticker Symbol: BRK.A)

  • Price Movement

    In the last 1 month, BRK.A stock has moved up by 5.3%

Berkshire Hathaway (class A) Technicals Summary




Berkshire Hathaway (class A) is currently in a favorable trading position ( BUY ) according to technical analysis indicators.

Berkshire Hathaway (class A) (BRK.A) Vs Peers

Company Name1 Month6 Month1 Year3 Years5 Years
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (class A) logo
Company NameP/E RatioP/B RatioPEG RatioEPSROEROADiv YieldBVPS
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (class A) logo
Company NameAnalyst ViewMarket Cap5 Years Return %PE RatioProfit Margin
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (class A) logo

About Berkshire Hathaway (class A)

Founded in 1839 by Oliver Chace as a textile manufacturing company, Berkshire Hathaway has evolved into a global conglomerate and investment powerhouse under Warren Buffett’s leadership. Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, it is the largest non-tech U.S. firm to achieve a $1 trillion market value. Berkshire owns a diverse portfolio of companies, including iconic names like GEICO, Dairy Queen, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad. It also holds significant stakes in industry leaders like Apple, Coca-Cola, and Bank of America. Known for its disciplined investment strategy and financial strength, Berkshire Hathaway is a symbol of enduring success in the business world.

Berkshire Hathaway (class A)
Warren Buffett

Important FAQs about investing in BRK.A Stock from India :

What is Berkshire Hathaway Share price today?

Berkshire Hathaway's share price today stands at $7,44,707.50, Open. $7,44,255.66 ; Previous Close. $7,44,944.00 ; High. $7,48,402.00 ; Low. $7,37,350.00 ; 52 Week High. $7,77,749.00 ; 52 Week Low: $5,96,000.00

The stock opens at $7,44,255.66, after a previous close of $7,44,944.00. The stock reached a daily high of $7,48,402.00 and a low of $7,37,350.00, with a 52-week high of $7,77,749.00 and a 52-week low of $5,96,000.00.

What is the minimum amount that Indians can invest in Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) from India?

You can buy Berkshire Hathaway shares starting ₹85.83 or $1 as on January 6, 2025, on the INDmoney app. Indian investors can buy Berkshire Hathaway shares in fractions or a part of the whole stock value instead of the entire stock. In simple terms, you can even buy 0.1 or any fraction of Berkshire Hathaway stock units.

Let us understand this better with an example. If you have $10 or ₹858.3 to invest, and the cost of Berkshire Hathaway stock is $6,76,604 or ₹5,80,72,921, you can still invest your $10 or ₹858.3 and get 10/6,76,604 that is 0.0000148 units of the Berkshire Hathaway stock in your account.

Another way to understand this is, if 1 Berkshire Hathaway stock costs $6,76,604 or ₹5,80,72,921, you can buy Berkshire Hathaway stock worth $250 or ₹21,457.5. This will give you 250/6,76,604 units, which means you will get  0.00037 Berkshire Hathaway shares.

What are the returns that Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) has given in Indian Rupees in the last 5 years?

An investor investing in US stocks from India not only benefits from stock or capital returns but also gets the benefit of dollar appreciation versus rupees.

If an Indian resident would have invested in Berkshire Hathaway from India, 5 years ago then the total returns (including dollar appreciation) from Berkshire Hathaway stock would be 138%. The annualised return would be 19%.

To understand this in simple terms, capital appreciation in the last 5 years from Berkshire Hathaway stocks would be 98.88%.
On top of this, the investors will enjoy the gains from appreciation in dollar value versus rupees which would be 19.44%. The calculation is for the last 5 years.

Hence, investing in US stocks from the US will only give an investor capital gains, but an Indian investor will enjoy additional gains from dollar appreciation.

What is the comparison of returns between Berkshire Hathaway vs UnitedHealth vs Progressive if an Indian had invested in these stocks 5 years ago?

Berkshire Hathaway stock has given 138% returns in the last 5 years, whereas UnitedHealth stock has given 110%. $100 invested in Berkshire Hathaway stock 5 years ago would have become $238 and $100 invested in UnitedHeath and Progressive stocks would have become $210 and $378, respectively.

5 years returns of Berkshire Hathaway → 138% (Capital Appreciation 98.88% & Dollar Appreciation 19.44%)
5 years returns of UnitedHealth → 110% (Capital Appreciation 76.19% & Dollar Appreciation 19.44%)
5 years returns of Progressive → 278% (Capital Appreciation 216.62% & Dollar Appreciation 19.44%)

$100 invested in Berkshire Hathaway stock vs UnitedHealth vs Progressive stock 5 years ago:

 Total Return$100 investment would have become
Berkshire Hathaway138%238

How much dividend did Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) pay to an Indian Investor in the last 5 years?

Berkshire Hathaway does not pay dividends generally.

Who are the top global investors holding Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) stock?

Berkshire Hathaway is a popular stock amongst top global institutional investors. Top 3 institutional investors include: International Assets Investment Management, Llc ($467 billion), FMR Llc ($22 billion), First Manhattan Co. Llc. ($9.9 billion) and Corient Private Wealth Llc ($6.1 billion). Norges Bank, Vista Capital Partners, Vanguard Group Inc, English Capital Management Llc, Gardner Russo & Quinn Llc and Pflug Koory, Llc also own stakes worth up to $4 billion.

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