Legal & Regulatory

    INDmoney Global (IFSC) Private Limited offers services in the securities market and other activities as are permitted by NSE IFSC Limited and International Financial Services Centres Authority. IFSCA Broker Dealer Registration No. IFSC/BD/2023-24/0016 | IFSCA Clearing Member Registration No. IFSC/CM/2023-24/0001 | Depository Participant Reg. No. IFSCA/DP/2023-24/010 | NSE IFSC Trading Member: 10073 | Registered office address: Unit No. GA-02, Seat No. 1-4, Ground Floor, Pragya AcceleratorBlock-15 T, Road 11, Zone-1, Processing Area, GIFT SEZ, Gift City, Gandhi Nagar, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 382355 | CIN: U64990GJ2023PTC139084 | Compliance officer: Aditya Krishnan |

    Direct Access Unit| NSE IFSC Limited (NSE International Exchange)

  1. Policies & Procedure Broker Dealer
  2. Risk Disclosure
  3. Guidance Note
  4. Rights & Obligations Broker Dealer
  5. Product Disclosure Statement NSE IFSC
  6. Master Deed Poll (MDP) NSE IFSC
  7. Rights & Obligations DP
  8. Anti Money Laundering Policy
  9. Surveillance Policy
  10. Policy on treatment of inactive account
  11. Risk management policy
  12. Complaint Handling and Grievance Redressal - Direct Access
    1. Policy on Complaint Handling and Grievance Redressal - Direct Access
    2. Details of Complaint Redressal Officer & Complaint Redressal Appellate Officer
  13. Disclaimer: Investment in the securities market is subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Brokerage will not exceed the prescribed limit as per the regulator.

    Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Please consider your specific investment requirements, risk tolerance, goal, time frame, risk and reward balance and the cost associated with the investment before choosing a fund, or designing a portfolio that suits your needs. Performance and returns of any investment portfolio can neither be predicted nor guaranteed.

    Global Access Unit

  14. US Stock-Broker-Dealer
    1. DriveWealth LLC
    2. Alpaca Securities LLC
  15. Global Access - Terms
  16. Complaint Handling and Grievance Redressal - Global Access
    1. Policy on Complaint Handling and Grievance Redressal - Global Access
    2. Details of Complaint Redressal Officer & Complaint Redressal Appellate Officer
  17. Annual Return
    1. F.Y 2023-2024
  18. Disclaimer: INDmoney Global (IFSC) Private Limited (INDmoney Global) and any of its employees, agents, principals, or representatives DO NOT: provide recommendations of any security, transaction, or order; provide investment advice; produce or provide research to any user regarding any security, transaction, or order; handle funds or securities related to securities orders or effect the clearance or settlement of a user's trades done through in US stock markets.

    Please be informed that US stocks are not Exchange traded funds and all disputes related to US stocks services will not have access to the Rights of investors or investor protection; Dispute resolution mechanism; and Investor grievance redressal mechanism of the recognised stock exchanges in the IFSC.

    US Stock brokerage services are provided by US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) registered Stock Broker-Dealer(s). Relevant SEC and FINRA fees apply. Customers are solely responsible for any and all orders placed by them and understand that all orders are unsolicited and based on their own investment decisions. All processes & trading activities related to US stocks are executed by US stock-brokers directly with clients and INDmoney Global will not incur any personal financial liability and INDmoney Global shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of investments from these products

    INDmoney Global makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, on products and services offered through the platform. It accepts no liability for any damages or losses, however, caused in connection with the use of, or on the reliance of its advisory or related services.

    INDmoney Global does not offer any banking and remittance facility. Kindly check the rates, terms and conditions relating to banking & remittance facilities prior to opening of a bank account. INDmoney Global will not incur personal financial liability in relation to or arising from any claims, disputes or issues pertaining to remittance, and/or other banking facilities.