A PAN is a Permanent Account Number, a unique ten-digit number provided by the Income Tax Department of India to all the entities performing financial transactions in India. Individuals and enterprises use this PAN to file their tax returns and also while conducting high-value transactions.
The Income Tax Department issues you a new PAN card in either of the cases on the application for a new card. However, after submitting your application, you are keen to track your PAN card status. But, when you don’t hear anything from the authorities, you might feel concerned. Thus, to relieve you of any stress or anxiety, the authorities have enabled several online methods so that you can track your PAN card status seamlessly.
Easy Online Methods Track PAN Card Status
Whether you want to opt for the UTI website or have a PAN acknowledgment number handy, there are multiple ways you can easily track your PAN card status. The different methods are mentioned below:
Track PAN Card Online via NSDL Website
If you are using the NSDL website, follow the below steps to track your PAN application status online using the acknowledgment number:
Step 1: Navigate to NSDL’s PAN tracking page using a secure web browser.
Step 2: Now select the application type as ‘PAN New/Change Request
Step 3: Further, enter the acknowledgment number. Ensure you enter the right number.
Step 4: After entering the acknowledgment number, verify your status by entering the correct captcha code
Step 5: Finally, click the ‘submit’ option, and your PAN application will be reflected on the screen.
Thus, using your acknowledgment number, you can easily check the status of your PAN card application. When you receive such a number, keep it in safe custody.
Track PAN Card Status via UTIITSL Website
When tracking your PAN card application status using the UTIITSL website, ensure you have your application number handy. Use the below steps to check the status of your PAN card using the UTI portal:
Step 1: Navigate to the UTIITSL website, i.e., the UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Ltd website.
Step 2: Provide an accurate PAN number or application number. If you are applying for a duplicate PAN, provide the current PAN number. In the case of a fresh application, provide your application number.
Step 3: Enter your date of birth correctly. Review it again before proceeding.
Step 4: Enter the correct captcha code reflecting on your screen.
Step 5: Click the ‘submit’ option. Your application status will be displayed on the screen if all the information provided is correct.
Remember, you can use this method in either of the cases, whether a fresh PAN application or a duplicate PAN application.
Track PAN Using PAN Number
You can easily track your PAN card application using your current PAN number. Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Open the UTIITSL website and scroll down the website. Then, select the ‘Track PAN card’ option. You will be directed to a new page.
Step 2: Now, enter your Application coupon number or PAN number.
Step 3: Enter your date of birth. If tracking PAN status for a non-individual, you may enter the date of incorporation, partnership, agreement, etc., as it may seem right.
Step 4: Enter the captcha code and verify that you are not a robot. Further, click ‘submit.’ Your PAN application status will be displayed on the screen.
Track PAN Card Status Using Name and Date of Birth
There is currently no online facility available to check the status of your PAN card application using your name or date of birth alone. However, you can still track your PAN card status using your name and date of birth. Follow the below steps:
Step 1: You must open the Tax Information Network. For this, visit the Income Tax Department’s ‘Track your PAN/TAN Application’ status page.
Step 2: Further, select your application type as ‘PAN New/Change Request’
Step 3: Enter the relevant information, including your full name and date of birth. Review the information provided. Enter your first name, middle name, and last name correctly.
Step 4: Click the ‘Submit’ option.
This method comes in handy when you do not have an acknowledgment number. Ensure you track the PAN card application status only after 24 hours of online submission or submission through TIN-FC.
Other Convenient Ways to Track PAN Card Status
If you want to check the status of your PAN card application, you may opt for more easy ways like using the telephone number or SMS. However, it is important to note that it takes at least 15 working days to respond to a PAN application by the Income Tax Department. If opting for a telephone number or SMS for tracking application status, keep your 15-digit acknowledgment number handy and follow the below steps:
Telephone Tracking
Applicant may give a call to the TIN center at 020-27218080. Remember, make the calls between 07.00 am and 11.00 pm only. The call center will ask you for your 15-digit acknowledgment number. Provide it accurately and track your application.
SMS Tracking
After submitting your PAN application, the applicant can send an SMS with the text ‘NSDL PAN’ to 57575 and the 15-digit acknowledgment number. You will be easily able to track your PAN application status.
Thus, following the several methods mentioned in this article, you can easily track your PAN card status online. Further, in case you aren’t able to do it online, you can use your telephone number or SMS option. Whether you have your application number, acknowledgment number, or any other details as mentioned above, you can now easily track the status of your PAN application from the comfort of your home. So, why wait until you can check the PAN application status today with the easy options mentioned above?