Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup Share Price
as on 04:01PM, 04 Mar 2025
Day's Low
Day's High
52 Week's Low
52 Week's High
Returns % | |
1 Month Return | -19.42 % |
3 Month Return | -55.84 % |
1 Year Return | + 5.42 % |
Market Stats | |
Previous Close | ₹225.45 |
Open | ₹214.35 |
Volume | 3,784.00 |
Upper Circuit | - |
Lower Circuit | - |
Market Cap | ₹270.51Cr |
P/E Ratio
0PEG Ratio
0Market Cap
₹270.51 Cr
P/B Ratio
0Dividend Yield
0Excluding Excise Duty and Other Income, represents Net Revenue
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup revenue growth forecast
Expected growth rate Q1, FY2027:0
Including amortisation and stock based compensations
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup EPS growth forecast
EPS estimate , :0
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence
Insights help you understand the recent movement of the company's critical parameters, giving you an overall view of the company.
Price Dip
In the last 3 months, SOLARAPP stock has moved down by -55.8%
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup is currently in a Bearish trading position according to technical analysis indicators.
Company | Analyst View | Market Cap | 5 Year CAGR | Debt to Asset Ratio | Net Profit | Yearly Revenue |
NA | ₹270.51 Cr | 1.08% | 0.00 | NA | NA | |
NA | ₹361.97 Cr | 96.57% | 0.69 | -₹3 Cr | ₹111 Cr | |
NA | ₹14.35 Cr | 130.72% | 0.61 | NA | NA | |
NA | ₹10.28 Cr | 47.08% | 0.50 | NA | NA | |
NA | ₹321.10 Cr | 59.19% | 0.74 | NA | NA |
Organisation | Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup |
Headquarters | |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals |
E-voting on shares | Click here to vote |
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup share price today stands at ₹232.6, Open: ₹214.35, Previous Close: ₹225.45, High: ₹235, Low: ₹214.35, 52 Week High: ₹554.95, 52 Week Low: ₹200.
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup is listed on NSE
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup is listed on BSE
Today's traded volume of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup(SOLARAPP) is 3,784.00.
Today's market capitalisation of Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup(SOLARAPP) is ₹270.51Cr.
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) share price is ₹232.6. It is down -58.09% from its 52 Week High price of ₹554.95
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd Partly Paidup (SOLARAPP) share price is ₹232.6. It is up 16.30% from its 52 Week Low price of ₹200