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Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Share Price Today


Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp share price is $11.2 & ₹975.13 as on 6 Mar 2025, 2.30 'hrs' IST




Market is closed - opens 8 PM, 06 Mar 2025

View live Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp share price in Dollar and Rupees. Guide to invest in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp stock from India, including Indian investor sentiment. Get details on Indian mutual funds investing in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp, along with analyst recommendations, forecasts, and comprehensive financials.

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp share price movements

  • Today's Low: $11.05
    Today's High: $11.27

    Day's Volatility :1.95%

  • 52 Weeks Low: $10.01
    52 Weeks High: $12.20

    52 Weeks Volatility :17.94%

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) Returns

PeriodNuveen Municipal Credit OppRussel 2000Index (Russel 2000)
3 Months
6 Months
1 Year
3 Years

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) Key Statistics

in dollars & INR

Previous Close
Today's High
Today's Low
Today's Volume
52 Week High
52 Week Low

How to invest in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock (NMCO) from India?

It is very easy for Indian residents to invest directly in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp from India. Indian investors can open a free US stocks account on the INDmoney app. You can find live prices of the Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp stock in both Indian Rupees (INR) and US Dollars (USD). Search for Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp or NMCO on the INDmoney app and click on Buy or SIP. You can invest by choosing quantities of shares of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp or rupee/ dollar value or set up a fixed SIP amount to be invested every month or week.

For example: You can easily buy Rs.100 worth of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp shares which would translate to 0.078 fractional shares of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp as of today. Learn more about fractional investing.

Indians can now also easily transfer and add money to their US stocks account via the INDmoney app. Invest in US Stocks from India, including recognised companies like Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp, in just a few clicks!

Returns in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) for Indian investors in Rupees

The Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp stock calculator helps Indian investors calculate returns based on the historical performance of the stock. Just choose your investment amount and duration to get insights and invest more confidently. See stock returns as well as the effect of dollar appreciation over different durations.

Investment Value


  • 1Y

  • 3Y

  • 5Y

  • 7Y

  • 10Y

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp investment value today

Current value as on today





Returns from Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock

₹5,561 (+5.56%)

Dollar Returns

₹5,065 (+5.06%)

Indian investors sentiment towards Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO)


Period: Feb 3, 2025 to Mar 5, 2025. Change in 30 Days versus previous period

Search interest for Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock from India on INDmoney has decreased by -100% in the last 30 days, reflecting a downward trend in search activity.

Analyst Recommendation on Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp

Insights on Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock (Ticker Symbol: NMCO)

  • Price Movement

    In the last 1 month, NMCO stock has moved down by -0.1%

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Technicals Summary




Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp is currently in a favorable trading position ( BUY ) according to technical analysis indicators.

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) Vs Peers

Company Name1 Month6 Month1 Year3 Years5 Years
Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp logo
Company NameP/E RatioP/B RatioPEG RatioEPSROEROADiv YieldBVPS
Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp logo
Company NameAnalyst ViewMarket Cap5 Years Return %PE RatioProfit Margin
Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp logo

About Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opportunities Fund (the Fund) is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Fund’s investment objective is to provide a high level of current income exempt from regular United States federal income tax. The Fund’s secondary investment objective is to seek total return. The Fund invests primarily in high yielding, low to medium-quality municipal securities, and uses leverage. Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its assets in municipal securities. The Fund’s municipal securities include municipal bonds, notes, securities issued to finance and refinance public projects, certificates of participation, variable rate demand obligations, lease obligations, municipal notes, pre-refunded municipal bonds, private activity bonds, securities issued by tender option bond Trusts including inverse floating rate securities, and other forms of municipal bonds and securities. The Fund’s investment adviser is Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC.
Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp

Important FAQs about investing in NMCO Stock from India :

What is Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp share price today?

Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp share price today stands at $11.20, Open: $11.20 ; Previous Close: $11.17 ; High: $11.27 ; Low: $11.05 ; 52 Week High: $12.20 ; 52 Week Low: $10.01.

The stock opens at $11.20, after a previous close of $11.17. The stock reached a daily high of $11.27 and a low of $11.05, with a 52-week high of $12.20 and a 52-week low of $10.01.

Can Indians buy Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp shares?

Yes, Indians can invest in the Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) from India.

With INDmoney, you can buy Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp at 0 brokerage. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  • Open your zero cost US Stocks account and zero balance IND linked savings a/c (this can be done in less than 3 minutes)
  • Transfer funds to your US Stocks account using your IND linked savings a/c (It takes 24 hours excluding Saturday and Sunday). With INDmoney, you get the best INR USD exchange rates.
  • Once funds are transferred successfully, you can buy Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp at zero transaction cost.

How can I buy Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp shares from India?

It is very easy to buy Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp from India. With INDmoney, you can open a US stocks account in less than 3 minutes. Transfer funds in 24 hours and buy stocks very easily - that too at 0 brokerage. All this is done at 0 account opening & management fee, 0 brokerages, and at the same time you get the best rupee-US dollar exchange rate.

Can Fractional shares of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) be purchased?

Yes, you can buy fractional shares of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp with INDmoney app.

What are the documents required to start investing in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp stocks?

To start investing in Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp, You will need the following documents:

  • Proof of Identification (PAN, Aadhaar etc)
  • Proof of address (Aadhaar, Voter ID etc)

These documents are required as per RBI's guidelines to create your IND linked savings a/c so that you can execute for global fund transfer. The entire process is paperless and can be completed seamlessly.

What are today’s High and Low prices of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock (NMCO)?

Today’s highest price of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) is $11.27.

Today’s lowest price of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO) is $11.05.

What is today's market capitalisation of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp?

Today's market capitalisation of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp NMCO is 624.7M

What is the 52 Week High and Low Range of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp Stock (NMCO)?

  • 52 Week High


  • 52 Week Low


What are the historical returns of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp (NMCO)?

  • 1 Month Returns


  • 3 Months Returns


  • 1 Year Returns


  • 5 Years Returns


Who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp ?

is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nuveen Municipal Credit Opp.