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HDFC Silver ETF Performance

  • Day's Low

    Day's High

    Day's Range
  • 52 Week's Low

    52 Week's High

    52-Week Range
1 Month Return0 %
3 Month Return+ 5.06 %
1 Year Return+ 31.62 %
Previous Close₹93.62
Upper Circuit-
Lower Circuit-

Insights on HDFC Silver ETF

Insights help you understand the recent movement of the ETF's critical parameters, giving you an overall view of the ETF.


    Price Rise


    In the last 1 year, HDFC Silver ETF has moved up by 31.62%

HDFC Silver ETF ETF Fundamentals

Expense Ratio0.4%
Avg. PE ratioNA
Avg. PB ratioNA
AUM₹500.63 Cr.

About HDFC Silver ETF

HDFC Silver ETF is an investment product that tracks the price of silver and aims to provide returns that closely match the performance of the underlying silver market. ETF stands for exchange-traded fund, which means that the fund is traded on a stock exchange like a regular stock. By investing in HDFC Silver ETF, investors can gain exposure to the silver market without having to physically buy and store silver themselves. The fund is managed by HDFC Asset Management Company, which is responsible for tracking the price of silver and managing the fund's portfolio.

HDFC Silver ETF is a good investment option for those who believe that the price of silver will rise in the future. It is also a convenient and cost-effective way to invest in silver as it eliminates the need to buy, store, and sell physical silver. However, like all investments, there are risks involved, and investors should carefully consider their investment objectives and risk tolerance before investing.

Owner: HDFC Mutual Fund
Price: ₹94.13 per unit as on 06 Mar, 2025 10:10 AM
Asset Under Management AUM: ₹500.63Cr as of today
Expense Ratio: 0.40% as of today
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FAQs on HDFC Silver ETF

What is HDFC Silver ETF share price today?

HDFC Silver ETF share price today stands at ₹94.13, Open: ₹94.13, Previous Close: ₹93.62, High: ₹94.4, Low: ₹93.07, 52 Week High: ₹undefined, 52 Week Low: ₹undefined.

What are today's High and Low prices of HDFC Silver ETF?

  • Today's highest price of HDFC Silver ETF is ₹94.4
  • Today's lowest price of HDFC Silver ETF is ₹93.07

What are the historical returns of HDFC Silver ETF?

1 Day Returns
1 Month Returns
3 Month Returns
1 Year Returns

How can I invest in HDFC Silver ETF?

You can invest via your demat account in the HDFC Silver ETF. You can invest either through SIP mode or lumpsum mode.

Can I invest in HDFC Silver ETF through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)?

Yes. HDFC Silver ETF is available for SIP on INDmoney platform for daily, weekly or monthly SIP.

What are the risks associated with investing in HDFC Silver ETF?

HDFC Silver ETF's drawbacks are not related to specifically HDFC Silver ETF. In Indian context, some of the ETFs have a drawbacks of higher tracking, lower trading volumes, etc.

Can I use HDFC Silver ETF as collateral for a loan?

Yes. HDFC Silver ETF can used as collateral for a loan under Loan Against Securities.