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Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF



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Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF Performance

  • Day's Low

    Day's High

    Day's Range
  • 52 Week's Low

    52 Week's High

    52-Week Range
1 Month Return0 %
3 Month Return-8.3 %
1 Year Return-0.56 %
Previous Close₹182.49
Upper Circuit-
Lower Circuit-

Insights on Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF

Insights help you understand the recent movement of the ETF's critical parameters, giving you an overall view of the ETF.

  • imgNO EFFECT

    Against Peers


    In the last 1 year, DSP Nifty IT ETF has given 4.31% return, outperforming Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF by 4.87%.

  • imgNO EFFECT

    Market Cap Breakup


    Market Cap breakup for Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF is 94.34% in LARGE CAP and 5.66% in MID CAP with top sector being FMCG with 15.14%


    Price Dip


    In the last 1 year, Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF has moved down by -0.56%

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF ETF Fundamentals

Expense Ratio0.33%
Avg. PE ratio33.71
Avg. PB ratio6.07
AUM₹41.75 Cr.

Companies in Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF

Companies 1D Returns
Nestle India LtdNestle India Ltd0.19
Hindustan Unilever LtdHindustan Unilever Ltd2.23
Bajaj Finserv LtdBajaj Finserv Ltd2.42
Maruti Suzuki India LtdMaruti Suzuki India Ltd0.42
Britannia Industries LtdBritannia Industries Ltd0.42

Portfolio Breakup


IT - Software
Tobacco Products
Diamond, Gems and Jewellery
Infrastructure Developers & Operators
Auto Ancillaries
Hotels & Restaurants

Market Cap

Large Cap
Mid Cap

About Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF

24/7 Care for Your Grandparents at Home

Living in an age where caring for elderly parents is becoming increasingly important, providing 24/7 care for them is now easier than ever. Services such as SilverFilings provide elder-care at home with professional support so your elderly loved ones can stay comfortable in their own home.

SilverFilings provide three main services; direct care, volunteer care, and medical services. Direct care is provided at no charge and no commitment. Volunteer care is offered through a network of 41,000 providers and medical services are provided in accordance to state guidelines. All of these services are provided within 1 hour of request.

The comprehensive care reaches beyond just healthcare needs. SilverFilings also provides around the clock companionship, assistance with household chores and activities of daily living.

SilverFilings provides a 24/7 elder-care service at home for elderly loved ones, enabling them to stay comfortable in the familiarity of their own home. They provide direct care, volunteer care, and medical services within 1 hour of request, and go beyond healthcare needs to include companionship and assist with household chores and activities of daily living. Through a network of 41,000 providers, SilverFilings makes it easier for caregivers to have the support they need. By providing professional care services for elderly loved ones, caregivers get the assistance required to keep their elderly family members comfortable, healthy and safe in their homes.

Owner: Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Ticker: LOWVOL
Price: ₹184.60 per unit as on 06 Mar, 2025 04:01 PM
Asset Under Management AUM: ₹41.75Cr as of today
Expense Ratio: 0.33% as of today
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FAQs on Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF

What is Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF share price today?

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF share price today stands at ₹184.6, Open: ₹182.37, Previous Close: ₹182.49, High: ₹184.62, Low: ₹181.99, 52 Week High: ₹undefined, 52 Week Low: ₹undefined.

What are today's High and Low prices of Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF?

  • Today's highest price of Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF is ₹184.62
  • Today's lowest price of Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF is ₹181.99

What are the historical returns of Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF?

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF
1 Day Returns
1 Month Returns
3 Month Returns
1 Year Returns

How can I invest in Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF?

You can invest via your demat account in the Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF. You can invest either through SIP mode or lumpsum mode.

Can I invest in Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)?

Yes. Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF is available for SIP on INDmoney platform for daily, weekly or monthly SIP.

What are the risks associated with investing in Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF?

Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF's drawbacks are not related to specifically Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF. In Indian context, some of the ETFs have a drawbacks of higher tracking, lower trading volumes, etc.

Can I use Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF as collateral for a loan?

Yes. Mirae Asset Nifty 100 Low Volatility 30 ETF can used as collateral for a loan under Loan Against Securities.