Update : Mutual Fund Investments

Last updated:
Mutual fund INDmoney

Dear customers/investors, thank you for being a valuable member of the INDmoney family. It is through your trust in us and consistent efforts to grow your wealth that we have become one of the fastest-growing investment platforms in the country.

As part of our internal business restructuring, we are transferring the distribution of direct Mutual Fund business from Finzoom Investment Advisors Pvt. Ltd (Holding Company) to our stock broking subsidiary, INDmoney Pvt. Ltd. The existing mutual funds account information, existing SIPs, mandates, and AUM of the customer will be migrated to INDmoney Pvt. Ltd. There will be no impact on your existing investments or active SIPs. You will be able to continue managing them on the INDmoney platform exactly as today. 

Key things to know about migration

  1. INDmoney will continue to provide Direct Mutual Funds on its platform without compromising user experience.
  2. Your current SIPs and mandates will function as they do today.
  3. After migrating to the BSE Star MF platform, Direct Mutual Fund units will continue to be in the Statement of Account (SoA) format. This means they will be issued in physical form and not in demat form.

Please Note: Existing INDmoney investors who already have a Demat account do not need to take any additional steps.

Our integration with BSE StARmf will not impact your existing Mutual Fund investments. You can continue to access them on INDmoney. Your Direct Mutual Fund units will remain in a statement of account (SoA) form and will not be dematerialised. 

Incase of any doubt or clarification, write to us at mfsupport@indmoney.com

  • Will this impact my existing Mutual Fund investments?

  • What if I don't want to change my INDmoney Mutual Fund account?

  • How can I opt out of this process?

  • What are the benefits after the process is completed?
